Connector Optics in cooperation with partners demonstrates reliable 25Gb/s VCSEL chips.

Connector Optics LLC in cooperation with partners VI Systems GmbH, A.F. Ioffe Physical-Technical Institute and the Technical University of Berlin demonstrated reliability of 850 nm VCSEL chips. The paper published in Semiconductor Science and Technology (vol 28, no 6) reports on failure-free operation of the chips for above 6000h at 95°C heat sink temperature at 5 mA drive current (current density: 18kA/cm2).

Error-free operation at 25Gb/s is revealed at 5 mA in a broad temperature range and at a small penalty in the received power with respect to room temperature.

Degradation study and the related data acquisition have been performed by EZconn Czech a.s., a part of eGtran Corporation.


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