The President of Russia, Dmitry Medvedev, has inspected the products of Connector Optics at the Exhibition at the Polytechnical Museum

The History of Russian Innovations: from Mendeleyev's Table to Graphene exhibition took place on February 8, 2011, and was dedicated to the opening of the First Russian Festival of Science. It was organized by the Polytechnical Museum and RUSNANO. The main idea of the exhibition was showing the continuance of many generations of Russian science and engineering ideas.

Connector Optics' vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers that transmit information via optical communication channels at 40 Gbit/s speed can be regarded as successors to P.L. Schilling's telegraph of 1832 but surpass their scientific predecessor in speed by 30 billion times.

Photo: The exhibits: Connector Optics' vertically emitting lasers (left) and P.L. Schilling's telegraph (right). Source: RUSNANO

Photo: Dmitry Medvedev inspects Connector Optics' booth. Source: RUSNANO


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Saint Petersburg, 194292, Russian Federation